Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is Hot - Winning without Recruiting

I have never been a fan of recruiting type programs.  They by design work to reward the early adopters and the people at the bottom suffer.  All of the gurus have built big list and then just try to manipulate them to jump on the next big thing.

The affiliate niches are wide open in this down economy and if you people were to take this opportunity to capitalize on them you can develop properties that will win today and in the future.  A good example is a site I built around local car dealers to push automotive affiliate offers.

The site is less than 3 days old and is getting traffic for 2009 Mustang Shelby and has generated over $300 in affiliate commissions.  The site is almost on auto pilot with fresh content daily and will start winning a lot of local terms pretty fast.  Mainly for dealers names like Bennett Dodge and Dan Vaden

I am sure the Brunswick Car Dealers will not be happy, but when approached to get my services they all want to tell me how little value the Internet has for them.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Off the Map - Out of Site

Well it looks like the Internet community has been spared from the bad idea of Pay Per Play.  The core people involved with this have left and gone.  Shut off the phones, stopped sending emails and even trying to disavow association.

I have not update this in a while and probably wont again unless they try to revitalize the crap product with the same people at the helm.  I hope my friends who are involved with this on the the top realize what getting in bed with felons really means.

I have been working on a new craigslist service for car dealers and revitalizing my blog to help internet sales managers.  It is far more lucrative that chasing dreams.  The best advice I can give people who have been led down many wrong roads trying to make a buck online, it to learn to do your own thing.  You will be way ahead if you do.

This blog still has some value to help promote other properties an they may be teh content in the future.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

NetAudioAds and Larry Host Vilified Responses

Larry Host has taken it upon himself to try and browbeat my wife after she posted some truths about him, after he encouraged people to link to a blog that was attempting to denigrate her and our children.

In her post about NetAudioAds CTO Larry Host she pointed out his numerous bankruptcy filings and his felony conviction for not paying child support he retorted by stating.

2. Written by Larry Host, on 31-03-2008 15:57

"Melissa" (really paul?)

This article lists people of a name similar to mine as well as legitimate articles about me.

If you had ANY clue as to the 10 year legal battle after my divorce over property settlement disguised ad alimony, you would be ashamed for letting paul talk you into this.

I have NEVER posted anything negative about you or your children, YET.

While it is true that Larry has never posted anything negative about my wife or children it is apparent that he is willing to. I just wonder what he could possibly be willing to publish about my wife and children that is negative. Actually the threat of publishing negative information about my minor children may find him back in court.

  • I guess the fact that I have a three year old with a cleft lip and palate is negative to him and would give him fodder to publish negative information?
  • Or would he publish about my 10 year old son being a self proclaimed magician?
  • Or would he publish about my 6 year old child being an eternal optimist?
  • Or would attack my 19 year old son for driving a pick up truck?
  • Or would he attack my 21 year old daughter for being a mother early in life and giving me my granddaughter?
  • How would he attack my wife with negative information?

His conviction was for not paying child support and not spousal support as stated in his reply. This is probably the worst non violent crime in the world and for people to look at this company with any real seriousness should have their motives examined. They also need to look at how he responds to people that ask him questions he does not wish to answer and his immature behavior encouraging people to link to false information with an attempt to belittle a child with a birth defect.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Larry Host CTO NetAudioAds "Convicted Felon" Fails to Support His Family

In recent turmoil over at the PayPerPlay forum Larry Host,CTO of NetAudioAds, has encouraged people to link to a blog with false information about my personal life and alleged financial irresponsibility. What he fails to mention in his rally cries is that he has committed the worst financial crime ever:

Failing to Pay Child Support!!

(The Important Stuff from Michigan Department of Corrections Offender Database)

It is amazing that someone with a past such as this would encourage people to link to false information about anyone. I guess the fact that that blog poster took cheap shots and a child with a Cleft Lip and Palate and him condoning it really shows his true colors.

While I don't expect him to care much about the well being of my children, this information shows that he does not care much about the well being of his either...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Only Thing Consistent About the Voice Man for NetAudioAds is Inconsistency

Larry Host the front man for NetAudioAds has trouble with statements he makes. He is continually changing his tune after he realizes the true ramification of his actions. He makes what could be construed as libelous statements or ones that could alienate potential advertisers then goes back and changes his tone.

In the post previous to this one I explained why Automobile manufacturers and Car Dealers Should not consider NetAudioAds or the PayPerPlay network as a viable advertising medium because of his denigrating remarks made about Automotive Industry Professionals in his general tone he goes back and changes his tune.

His original post at the PayPerPlay forum was:

Then once he realized how bad this could damage the ability of NetAudioAds to attract online Automotive advertisers, after Paul Rushing pointed it out, he changed it to:

What he failed to realize when he made these comments about "tripe from a used car salesman (literally)" is that my role in the Automotive Industry is not that of denigrated used car salesman but that of an Automotive Online Marketing Consultant who will be addressing dealers and vendors at two networking events this spring.

Where I will be addressing "Search Engine Reputation Management" for Automobile Dealers as well as viable internet advertising alternatives. I think I have plenty of fodder for this and have some solid examples in and out of the Automotive Industry.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Automobile Manufactures and Dealers Should Shun NetAudioAds

In the typical fashion used by people with hurt pride, Larry Host the CTO of NetAudioAds has taken the fact that he tried to propagate false information about Paul Rushing as and opportunity to denigrate his profession when he exposed Mr Host for what he was at a blog about NetAudioAds.

He took his position on a board that Paul Rushing was not able to respond on to lash out and demean automotive professionals. This should give anyone in the Automotive Industry a second though before buying any advertising through this organization.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

No wonder they like promoting Spam Sites

While it has not been verified it does appear that it is not only NetAudioAds who has a dubious past of not paying affiliates it does appear that the founder of PayPerPlay has also had problems paying affiliate commissions.

Here are a couple post found on the net that shows unethical marketing habits.

Here is where Charles Heflin did not pay affiliate commissions. Read it at PayPerPlay Founder, Charles Heflin, Accused of not Paying Commissions.

and another where he had a DMCA complaint filed against him where Charles Heflin Accused of Content Theft.

Also in the PayPerPlay Cash Grab they are failing to deliver products that their "publishers" paid for and Charles Heflin Refuses to Acknowledge in the Pay Per Play Forum. ( Update The Topic Has been Removed from the Forum so the link above does not work)

As stated before these claims cannot be verified at this time but you may want to do your own research..

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blog Comments are Being Closed Due to Spam

It does appear that I am not the only one that receives many spam comments from people trying to promote PayPerPlay.

Aaron Wall at SEO Book closed comments on his blog post about NetAudioAds where he talked about "NetAudioAds wasting good publicity on a Bad Idea".

What does this say about he quality of publishers and affiliates they are attracting to this Annoying Advertising Source?

It tells me that they are not looking for quality in their delivery methods and more towards quantity. While it would be easy to churn out millions of pages to deliver advertising through various mediums it just does not take into account what message the advertisers will be delivering if they embrace this advertising model.

In my opinion it will hurt the credibility of the advertiser to have ads played on spam sites like PayPerPlay is advocating for delivery of the ads if they are looking to attract offline customers to their venues. Now if they are promoting some pie in the sky internet make money from home crowd then this is the perfect advertising source as it takes a lot of visitors to make money with that stuff and those individuals are a gullible lot.

Are advertisers trying to build brand awareness of who not to do business with?