I recently visited the
sellingppp blog and was amused by what I saw. They have now instituted a cash grab. It looks like that all of the affiliates they are bringing into this are not that savvy and it looks like they are trying to cash in on this.
Here is what they have posted on the sales page for the cash grab:
From: sellingppp.com/hosting.html
Here is a summary of what we will do for you:
We will register a top level domain name for you like www.pppaudio.com - We will choose an "available", professional PPP domain name for you.
We will point your domain name to a web host
We will set up your domain so that when visitors visit they will see the PPP introduction encoded with your affiliate link so that you get credit for 100% of your referrals.
We will set up your domain so that your affiliate link is hidden (cloaked) so that nobody can take credit away from you.
You don't need any technical knowledge at all. We will take care of all that for you and get you up and running within 48 hours. Then you will have a professional top level domain to promote the PPP opportunity with and you will get 5 to 1 more sign-ups as a result.
With your own "top level" domain name, you will be taken more seriously by larger websites that have the potential to earn you higher revenue. If you don't have the technical expertise to do this on your own then let us handle it for you.
For a limited time we are running the following special...
Get all of the services described above plus one year of hosting and your domain name registered for 1 year for a one time fee of $59.95.
They are going after gullible people with this cash grab. If your sole goal is to purchase a domain to cloak an affiliate link you can do it just for the cost of the domain. You can buy info domains for less that $5 per year, depending on the registrar. I think I only pay around $3.20 a year including ICANN fees. If you wanted to frame in your affiliate link even with a full featured hosting account you can do it for around the price they are quoting to buy you a domain and forward it to an affiliate link.
Now the real reasons are starting to come forward. They are building a huge marketing list so they can start hawking other products at the masses.
Sure Pay Per Play is free to join. I can't wait to see what other crappy offers they are going to try to come up with to help people be successful promoting PayPerPlay. I guess the next thing will be pushing Wealthy Affiliate and mass RSS site generation software.
What is funny if they were not looking for a cash grab they would of just sent an update telling people how to redirect a domain to an affiliate link. Then an affiliate link to godaddy or yahoo would of been ok and reasonable. I can show people how to do it in maybe 8 sentences. Even better they could of sent out Iframe code with an explanation and sold hosting accounts and domains and made more than $60.
I wont even insult peoples intelligence by telling you how to do it here.
The only reason I see for them doing it this way is so they remain in control of the domains after people start washing out. Now the true colors are starting to come out on the PayPerPlay - NetAudioAds launch I wonder if they let Voice2Page know about the cash grab, who knows maybe they are in on it too.