Larry Host the front man for
NetAudioAds has trouble with statements he makes. He is continually changing his tune after he realizes the true ramification of his actions. He makes what could be construed as libelous statements or ones that could alienate potential advertisers then goes back and changes his tone.
In the post previous to this one I explained why Automobile manufacturers and Car Dealers Should not consider NetAudioAds or the
PayPerPlay network as a viable advertising medium because of his denigrating remarks made about Automotive Industry Professionals in his general tone he goes back and changes his tune.
His original post at the PayPerPlay forum was:

Then once he realized how bad this could damage the ability of NetAudioAds to attract online Automotive advertisers, after
Paul Rushing pointed it out, he changed it to:

What he failed to realize when he made these comments about "tripe from a used car salesman (literally)" is that my role in the Automotive Industry is not that of denigrated used car salesman but that of an
Automotive Online Marketing Consultant who will be addressing dealers and vendors at two networking events this spring.
Where I will be addressing
"Search Engine Reputation Management" for Automobile Dealers as well as viable internet advertising alternatives. I think I have plenty of fodder for this and have some solid examples in and out of the Automotive Industry.