In her post about NetAudioAds CTO Larry Host she pointed out his numerous bankruptcy filings and his felony conviction for not paying child support he retorted by stating.
2. Written by Larry Host, on 31-03-2008 15:57
"Melissa" (really paul?)
This article lists people of a name similar to mine as well as legitimate articles about me.
If you had ANY clue as to the 10 year legal battle after my divorce over property settlement disguised ad alimony, you would be ashamed for letting paul talk you into this.
I have NEVER posted anything negative about you or your children, YET.
While it is true that Larry has never posted anything negative about my wife or children it is apparent that he is willing to. I just wonder what he could possibly be willing to publish about my wife and children that is negative. Actually the threat of publishing negative information about my minor children may find him back in court.
- I guess the fact that I have a three year old with a cleft lip and palate is negative to him and would give him fodder to publish negative information?
- Or would he publish about my 10 year old son being a self proclaimed magician?
- Or would he publish about my 6 year old child being an eternal optimist?
- Or would attack my 19 year old son for driving a pick up truck?
- Or would he attack my 21 year old daughter for being a mother early in life and giving me my granddaughter?
- How would he attack my wife with negative information?
His conviction was for not paying child support and not spousal support as stated in his reply. This is probably the worst non violent crime in the world and for people to look at this company with any real seriousness should have their motives examined. They also need to look at how he responds to people that ask him questions he does not wish to answer and his immature behavior encouraging people to link to false information with an attempt to belittle a child with a birth defect.